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Henry Allen Nursery School

‘Learn to Play… Play to Learn.’

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Meet the Governors

Governor Information - Growing Together Federation

The Growing Together Federation is a federation formed between Bowerdean, Mapledean & Henry Allen Nursery Schools. They are the only stand alone maintained Nursery Schools in Buckinghamshire. The Federation started on 1.9.2017. Our Governing Body is made up of representatives from the local authority, community, parents and staff. They meet together termly at full governor meetings and within committees covering pupil progress, premises, finance, curriculum and personnel. Governors take an active role in monitoring the services and providing a clear path of progress and development.


  • The school is accountable to the Governing Body
  • The Chair of Governors is Mrs Karen Bates


If you would like to speak to Karen then please contact her: -

Phone: 01494 726257


Mrs Karen Bates – Chairperson – Local Authority Governor – Term of office ends September 2025


Mrs Zoë Staines – Co-Headteacher, Bowerdean Nursery


Mrs Linda Lyons – Co-Headteacher, Mapledean Nursery


Mrs Charlie MacDonald – Co-Headteacher, Henry Allen Nursery


Mrs Julie Manning – Co-Headteacher, Henry Allen Nursery


Mrs Kym Dawkins – Parent Governor – Term of office ends February 2024


Miss Sara Ovey – Staff Governor – Term of office ends October 2024


Mr Chris Chilton - Vice-Chairperson - Co-opted Governor - Term of office ends September 2026


Mrs Emma Lad – Associate Governor – Term of office ends August 2025


Mrs Dee Snudden - Co-opted Governor - Term of office ends December 2024


Aliyah Yousuf - Parent Governor - Term of office ends 11th January 2027


Alice Memminger - Co-opted Governor - Term of office ends 20th March 2028


Emma Bornebroek - Parent Governor - Term of office ends  20th March 2028


Maddy Howe - Co-opted Governor - Term of office ends 20th March 2028


Andrea Bishop - Co-opted Governor - Term of office ends 14th May 2028





Mrs Jo Pearce – Clerk to the Governors


Mrs Julia Collins – Bursar – Finance Committee – Observer

School Governance

This is currently carried out by a Governing Body. Members of the Governing Body make important decisions about the school for example teaching & learning, safeguarding, policies, recruitment, building & premises, health & safety and financial & budgetary matters.  They ensure the nursery is governed in accordance with legal requirements and they support and challenge the Headteacher.


If you would like to know more or are interested in being a Parent Governor, please let the Headteacher know.


Governor Attendance 2022-23

Governors are asked to declare any pecuniary interest.  




We are a maintained Nursery School.

Local Authority funding for the Nursery comes in the form of  funding for our 2-year olds (15 hours) , funding for our 3-4 year olds (15 hours or 30 hours) and of a lump sum received as a maintained Nursery. ​There are some paying sessions subject to availability.

​There are no employees earning a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.