
On Friday mornings we are lucky to have a local dance teacher come into Henry Allen to work with the children in the main nursery. Mandy Honour has run a local dancing school for many years, and kindly gives up her time to share her love of dance with us! Children follow a range of routines to familiar songs such as Bob the Builder and Postman Pat, while learning a range of skills such as hopping, skipping, and moving in time to different beats.
The benefits of physical activity are widely known for people of all ages. In children, exercise is known to benefit muscle development, bone health, strength, endurance, self-esteem, and psychological well-being. Students who engage in dance at school show greater initial socialisation skills and better academic achievement compared with individuals who do not participate in dance. Dance allows children to use the experience gained as tools for thinking, behaving, and regulating the inner world of their minds.
"... dance develops relationships, connects people, and increases feelings of joy and togetherness."